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2014-07-18 14:34 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

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  執(zhí)行或是承受的。常做主語的有名詞、代詞、主語從句、V-ing 、To do 五種。

  1 名詞:

  Success is the result of good judgment.

  Life lights the candle of hope.

  2 代詞:

  We live and learn.

  I doubt, therefore I think. I think, therefore I am.

  3 主語從句:

  How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.

  What is worth doing is worth doing well.

  4 V-ing:

  Losing can be a real beginning.

  Believing in yourself is the secret of success.

  5 To do:

  To light the candle of heart is better than to curse the darkness of the outside


  To know is wisdom and to do is a skill.


  1 表狀態(tài)用系動詞:

  Life is full of ups and downs.

  Life is hope and hope is life.

  2 表動作用及物或不及物動詞:

  Many hands make light work.

  I came I saw I conquered.

  3 表擁有:人或物時用:have has 無生命的東西:there be

  Every dog has its day.

  In a full heart, there is room for everything.

  4 情態(tài)動詞+動詞原形:

  A man may die, nations may fall, but an idea lives on.

  三、賓語:及物動詞或介詞所指向的對象。常做賓語的有名詞、賓語從句、復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)、V-ing 、

  To do 五種。

  1 名詞:

  Reading enriches our mind.

  Haste makes waste.

  2 賓語從句:

  Goals determine what you are going to be.

  Temptation discovers what we are.

  3 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu):

  If you lack confidence you will find it hard to win.

  4 V-ing:

  You are never a loser until you quit trying.

  Reading is like opening a window to the outside world.

  5 To do:

  Winners expect to win in advance.

  One should learn to forgive.


  容詞、V-ing 、To do、從句五種。

  1 名詞:

  Life is not a bed of roses.

  Today is our only sure possession.

  2 形容詞:

  Time is fleeting and art is long.

  Change is constant.

  3 V-ing:

  Courage is doing what others think you can’t do.

  Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.

  4 To do:

  To change attitude is to change life.

  The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

  5 從句:

  The real measure of success is how happy we are.

  Love is what links two souls.


  分為前置或后置。常做定語的有形容詞、名詞、V-ing 、To do、從句五種。

  1 形容詞:

  A warm smile is the universal language.

  Each moment in history is a fleeting time.

  2 名詞:

  Adversity teaches one a great deal about survival skills.

  Life education is the basis for success in the knowledge society.

  名詞做定語(名詞修飾名詞重要原則:第一個名詞一般用單數(shù) 以下為常用名詞修飾名詞詞


  1 Information technology

  2 Information center

  3 Credit card

  4 Generation gap

  5 Beauty contest

  6 Communication skills

  7 Information age

  8 Knowledge economy

  9 Peace talks

  10 Service industry

  11 Water scarcity

  12 Survival skills

  13 Press conference

  14 Safety standard

  15 Life insurance

  16 Weather forecast

  17 Reception desk

  18 Coffee break

  19 Body guard

  20 Heart attack

  21 Department store

  22 Stock market

  23 Office building

  24 Science fiction

  3 V-ing:

  Failure is a learning experience.

  The starting point of all achievements is desire.

  4 To do:

  There is no time to lose.

  One’s greatest power is the power to choose.

  5 定語從句:

  That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

  Success is a process that never ends.


  因、目的、結(jié)果、方式、條件、讓步、比較、伴隨、評注。常做狀語的有副詞 、狀語從句 、

  狀語從句省略結(jié)構(gòu) 、To do 、V-ing 、V-ed 六種。

  1 副詞 :

  Still water runs deep.

  One should have clearly defined goals.

  Excellency is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

  Clearly, one’s fate is in his/her own hands.

  2 狀語從句 :

  When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you.

  Nothing is ordinary if one knows how to use it.

  3 狀語從句省略結(jié)構(gòu) :

  If possible, go after your dream forever!

  4 To do :

  To associate with friends, one should be honest and open.

  To leap higher, one can draw back.

  5 V-ing :

  Lacking a clear world outlook, life becomes a kind of burden.

  Bad books are poison, doing harm to one’s heart and soul.

  6 V-ed :

  United we stand; divided we fall.

  Well done, the smallest task becomes a miracle of achievement.


  情況)常做賓語補足語的有形容詞和To do 兩種。

  1 形容詞:

  Histories make men wise.

  Love makes the world more colorful for all.

  2 To do:

  Difficulties train one to be great.

  Motive urges one to make progress.

  八、同位語:句子中的兩種成份表達同一種概念,即A=B 稱之為同位語。常做同位語的有


  1 名詞:

  We should make full use of today, the hope of tomorrow.

  Never give up your dream, the source of happiness.

  2 從句:

  Failure is a sign that one should explore other opportunities.

  The fact that you have tried your best is in itself a big victory.




  1 Indeed 的確,

  2 Surely 無疑,

  3 However 然而,

  4 Obviously 顯然,

  5 Frankly 坦率地說,

  6 Naturally 自然,

  7 Luckily (或happily)for somebody 算某人幸運,

  8 Fortunately/Luckily 幸好,

  9 Roughly 大體上來說,

  10 Briefly 簡單地說,

  11 Strange to say 說也奇怪,

  12 Needless to say 不用說,

  13 Most important of all 最為重要是,

  14 Worse still 更糟糕的是,

  15 In a few words(或in sum,in short)簡而言之,

  16 In other words 換句話說,

  17 In a sense 在某種意義上,

  18 In general 一般說來,

  19 In my view 在我看來,

  20 In conclusion 總之,

  21 In summary 概括地說,

  22 To be true 誠然,

  23 In the first place 首先
